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The feature/ component Debate allows you to open questions or discussions about specific topics defined by the administrators or the participants.
To configure the Debate Feature/ Component, in the submenu of PARTICIPATORY PROCESSES, click on features/ components. Then click on Add feature/ component in the upper right corner of the window and select Debates. The window opens ADD FEATURE/ COMPLEMENT: DEBATES (Add Feature/ Components: Debates.).

The following items must be filled:
Name: Name of the debate
Weight: the order in which the Debate component will be displayed in the participatory process menu.
Global settings: Mark Comments enabled so they can comment.
Step settings: for each step, click Debate creation by users enabled (when users want to open debates), and only if necessary, click Comments blocked.
Finally, click on Add feature/ component.
To open a new debate, click on NEW DEBATE in the DEBATES window (to access it, click on Debates in the submenu features/components of the participatory process). The NEW DEBATE window opens (New debate.).
The items to fill in to configure a new debate are:
Title: title of the debate
Description: description of the debate
Instructions to participate: steps to follow in order to participate in the debate
Starts at: date in which the debate begins
Ends at: the date on which the debate ends
Decidim category: select the category if applicable
Finally, click on Create a debate.

Once created, to view the list of debates, click Debates in the menu of features/ components of the corresponding Participatory Process. In this way, we access the Debates window (Debates.).