In this page you can configure general settings from Decidim.

These are:
Name. Required. The name that the platform has. Visible at title, emails, etc.
Social. Social handlers for different social networks. Visible at the footer in every page. This are:

Default locale. Required.
Time Zone. Required. In which Time Zone is your organization. Used by things like calendars in Meetings.
Reference prefix. Required.
Enable badges. Whether you want or not that your participants have badges as a gamification mechanism, for instance for creating proposals or making comments. See Badges documentation
Enable groups. Whether you want or not that your participants have the possibility to create User Groups. Useful for example for Associations. See User Groups documentation
Enable rich text editor for participants. Whether you want or not that your participants have the possibility to have a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor. In some text areas, participants will be able to insert some HTML tags by using the rich text editor.
Send welcome notification. Whether you want or not that your participants receive a notification when their first created their account. If enabled you can customize this notification.
Customize welcome notification.
Welcome notification subject.
Welcome notification body.
Hi {{name}}, thanks for joining {{organization}} and welcome!
If you want to get a quick idea of what you can do here, have a look at the Help section. Once you have read it you will get your first badge. Here’s a list of all the badges you can get as you participate in {{organization}} Last but not least, join other people, share with them the experience of being engaged and participating in {{organization}}. Make proposals, comments, debate, think about how to contribute to the common good, provide arguments to convince, listen and read to be convinced, express your ideas in a concrete and direct way, respond with patience and decision, defend your ideas and keep an open mind to collaborate and join other people’s ideas.

Admin terms of use body. Which message an Administrator user will see when accessing for the first time to the Administration panel.
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
Respect the privacy of others.
Think before you click.
With great power comes great responsibility.