How to access the administrator menu

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First you need to start the session. Go to the top right part of Decidim webpage (MetaDecidim home page.) and click on Sign In. Only those whose administrator authorisation has been configured can access the Dashboard.

Figure 1. MetaDecidim home page.

In the Log in window (Log In.) write Email and Password and click on Log in. Remember you will have to have been registered beforehand. Alternatively, you can sign in using your Twitter, Facebook or Google account.

To sign up, you can use the same window (Log In.), by clicking on Create an account (in the upper part of the screen) or Sign up (in the lower part), or even on the home page by clicking on Sign Up.

Figure 2. Log In.

Once inside the Sign up window (Sign up.), tick whether you are an Individual or Organization/ Collective, enter Your name (public name that appears on your posts. With the aim of guaranteeing the anonymity, can be any name), Your short unique identifier in Decidim, Your email, password you will use, confirm password and tick Receive an occasional newsletter with relevant information box if you want to receive the information. To finish, click on By signing up you agree to the terms and conditions of use (available by clicking on the link), and click on Sign up.

Figure 3. Sign up.

It’s also possible to sign up using  Twitter, Facebook or Google accounts.

In addition, organizations should complete the cells: Organization name, Organization document number and phone.

Once you have finished your registration, you can complete your user-options settings such as additional information or notifications. Click on user name on the top right of the webpage. A drop-down menu will open (Accessing the user-options menu.), where you can access to: My account, My public profile, Notifications, Conversations, Admin dashboard, Sign out.

Figure 4. Accessing the user-options menu.

Click on My account to finish configuring your account settings or to modify them: to add an avatar/ image, change your name or e-mail address or set the level of notifications you wish to receive. The User settings window will open (User settings.).

Figure 5. User settings.

To set your notification levels, click on Notification settings in the menu on the left of the screen and select I want to receive an email every time i receive a notification if you wish to receive an email every time you receive a notification and select I want to receive newsletters if you wish to receive information on a relevant activity ([Notification-settings-fig]).

Figure 6. Notification Settings.

To access the administrator menu, click on the name on the top right of the webpage (in this case, usuari1) and select Admin dashboard from the drop-down menu. Remember that to access the administrator menu you will need to have your administrator authorisation configured.

The Dashboard (Dashboard.) will open, allowing you to configure (by clicking on the options that appear in the menu on the left) the local authority’s Decidim platform, static pages, Participatory Processes and process groups, Assemblies and Councils, Initiatives and newsletters and manage users.

Figure 7. Dashboard.