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A participatory process is a sequence of participatory activities (e.g. first filling out a survey, then making proposals, discussing them in face-to-face or virtual meetings, and finally prioritizing them) with the aim of defining and making a decision on a specific topic.

Examples of participatory processes are: a process of electing committee members (where candidatures are first presented, then debated and finally a candidacy is chosen), participatory budgets (where proposals are made, valued economically and voted on with the money available), a strategic planning process, the collaborative drafting of a regulation or norm, the design of an urban space or the production of a public policy plan.

A really important concept for making good use of Decidim is to understand the relationship between Phases and Components in a participatory process in Decidim:

Relation between Steps and Components in a Process in Decidim

What this diagram is showing is that for a participatory process you can have 7 phases:

  1. Configuration & Presentation

  2. Diagnostic

  3. Proposal Creation

  4. Proposal Selection

  5. Results

  6. Evaluation

  7. Monitoring

Inside of every one of these Phases, there are some components (like Blog, Meetings, Survey, Debates, Proposals, Results). Some of these Components allows some features depending in the Phase that we are.

In this section we’ll understand how we can configure a Participatory Process in Decidim.


To configure participatory processes on the Decidim platform, click on btn:[Processes] in the admin sidebar menu. A list will appear with the existing processes if there are any:

Participatory processes list

You can filter by the ones that are: * Published / Unpublished * Public / Private

Participatory processes list filtered

You can also search by title and control how many elements are in the list.

You have 4 possible actions in this list after a Participatory Process is created: 1. Export: send by email the configuration for a given process. Can be imported in other Decidim installation. 2. Duplicate: to duplicate this process. 3. Configure: to edit the metadata and configuration for a process. 4. Preview: how it will look once published.

New process form

New participatory process form
Table 1. System New Organization form: General information
Field Type Description



Title of the participatory process. For instance, "Participatory Budgeting 2020".



Subtitle. For instance, "Let’s decide our priorities together"

URL slug


URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this process. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: if your domain is '' and your slug 'participatory-budget-2020' then your URL will be



Hashtag for Twitter

Short description


A short explanation of what’s your participatory process about.



A long explanation of what’s your participatory process about.



The text you enter here will be shown to the user right below the process information.

Table 2. System New Organization form: Duration
Field Type Description

Start date


When this process start. You have a calendar widget to choose the day. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy

End date


When this process start. You have a calendar widget to choose the day. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy

Table 3. System New Organization form: Images
Field Type Description

Home image


Image that will be use in presentation cards of this process. Guidance for file: Has to be an image or a document. For images, use preferably landscape images, the service crops the image. Maximum file size: 10MB

Banner image


Image that will be use inside of the process. Guidance for file: Has to be an image or a document. For images, use preferably landscape images, the service crops the image. Maximum file size: 10MB

Table 4. System New Organization form: Metadata
Field Type Description

Promoter group


Information that’s displayed in the process metadata sidebar.

Organization area


Information that’s displayed in the process metadata sidebar.

Scope metadata


Information that’s displayed in the process metadata sidebar.

Who participates


Information that’s displayed in the process metadata sidebar.

What is decided


Information that’s displayed in the process metadata sidebar.

Promoter group

Optional: How is it decided

Information that’s displayed in the process metadata sidebar.

Process frontend metadata
Process backend metadata
Table 5. System New Organization form: Filters
Field Type Description

Scopes enabled


Check if you want to have Scopes filtering in this process.



Which Scope does this process belongs to.

Scope filter depth


Restrict the scope filter depth; The filter will show from general to the selected scope type. This is only relevant if you have complex relations in Scopes children (like a Russian Doll). For instance if you have a Grandmother → Mother → Child, this setting allows you to choose the Mother, so the participants can only choose the Child. This would be the case for instance if you have Provinces → Cities → Districts, and the process is about a particular City.



Which Area does this process belongs to.

Table 6. System New Organization form: Visibility
Field Type Description

Processes group


Enables to make groups of multiple participatory processes. Ideally for processes that are related between them, for instance multiple squares in a City or multiple documents using the same participatory rules.

Private space


Check if this process should only be accessible by Private Participants



Check if you want the process to have more visibility in the Process public list. It’ll also be visible in the ParticpipatoryProcess Content Block in the Homepage configuration. This is accessible in the btn:[Edit] action in a Process.

Table 7. System New Organization form: Filters
Field Type Description

Related processes


Select other participatory processes that are related to this one.

Table 8. System New Organization form: Filters
Field Type Description

Show statistics


Check if you want to show the Statistics section.

Show metrics


Check if you want to show the Metrics section.

After you’ve initially created your process you have a submenu where you need to keep configuring more information about your participatory process.

Process submenu in admin

Here you can keep configuring your process:

  1. Info: the same form that we explained in this page.

  2. Pĥases

  3. Components

  4. Categories

  5. Attachments

  6. Process admins

  7. Private participants

  8. Moderations