The menu also known as Navigation Bar, is the main way of navigation by Decidim.

After you install Decidim you can see it in several ways, depending on:
Which modules do you have activated
Which contents do you have in your database
If you have the default modules and no contents, then you’ll only see Home and Help.
Depending in the kind of space and module, then you can see or not some of the spaces:
For participatory processes, it appears when there’s some published content by an administrator.
For assemblies, it appears when there’s some published content by an administrator.
For consultations, you need to enable the module and it appears when there’s some published content by an administrator.
For conferences, you need to enable the module and it appears when there’s some published content by an administrator.
For initiatives, you need to enable the module. Every participant can see it, as anyone can create one. That’s because is a bottom-up kind of mechanism.
There’s also a NavBar links module made by the community that you can use to add your custom links.
Finally if you want to dive in the code that handles this, a good starting point is the Menu API.